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#Novedades de la industria
New plastic adhesive with multiple viscosity options
Panacol introduces a newly developed UV adhesive, which is specially formulated for bonding plastics and will be available in three different viscosities.
The appropriate viscosity can be chosen depending on the application: Vitralit® 7311 is extremely low viscosity and thus the perfect choice for very tight bond gaps. Vitralit® 7311 T is a mid-range viscosity version, and Vitralit® 7311 Gel features high viscosity, non-flowing properties.
All three variations of Vitralit® 7311 provide excellent adhesion to most plastics like PC, PVC and PMMA, as well as to metal and glass. Vitralit® 7311 is transparent and non-yellowing. It is resistant to alcohols and humidity. Once cured, the adhesive will be visco-plastic. For use in medical applications Vitralit® 7311 is currently being tested according to USP Class VI and DIN ISO 10993-4/-5 standards.
Vitralit® 7311 cures in seconds with ultraviolet or visible light. For excellent curing results high intensity LEDs at 405 nm wavelength are recom-mended. This wavelength also permits the bonding of UV blocked materials like polycarbonate. Vitralit® 7311, as an example, can be utilized for needle bonding in medical device manufacturing. Cured with a Bluepoint LED eco light source from UV manufacturer Hönle, Vitralit® 7311 achieves high bond strength in less than a second, providing reliable and durable bonds.
Panacol-Elosol GmbH, a member of global Hoenle group, is an inter-national supplier of adhesives with a broad product range that includes UV curable adhesives, structural adhesives, and conductive adhesives. Hoenle is a global technology leader and manufacturer of industrial UV curing devices and systems.