#Tendencias de productos
"tornillo ICE", incrementa considerablemente la capacidad de los punto de izado y amarre RUD.
La nueva calidad del completamente nuevo "tornillo ICE", incrementa
considerablemente la capacidad de los punto de izado y amarre RUD.
¡El uso de acero de granulado fino patentado, garantiza una mayor
resistencia estática y dinámica con el menor diámetro de tornillo posible!
The fastening bolts of modern boltable lifting Points have to withstand extreme daily loads – in any direction.
This hardest forces on bending loads has safely to be accepted in terms of statics and dynamics – even under lowest temperatures and maximum heat. The patented material of the ICE chains has been predestinated for this safety-relevant challenge.
The ICE-Bolt was born and will in future replace all common bolts, meaning for the user: increased WLL or thinner bolt diameters, uncritical use with low temperatures up to -60 °C, increased toughness and thus increased bending strength; less wear and increased insensitivity versus hydrogen embrittlement.
Briefly summarized: maximum safety!